Studio Locations
Virginio Ferrari Studio
Bridgeport Arts Center
1200 W. 35th Street, River Level #OE5030
Chicago, IL 60609
Marco G. Ferrari Studio
via Gentile da Mogliano 29, B25
00176 Roma RM, Italy
Virginio Ferrari Studio “Melograno”
Via di Sant’Agata n. 9
56040, Guardistallo (PI), Italy
Opportunities & Possibilities
Artist Opportunities
Please visit our news page for upcoming opportunities.
Volunteer & Internship Possibilities
VFF has hosted internships from the School of the Art Institute, the University of Chicago, John Cabot University and worked with professionals from diverse backgrounds and at different ages. It is a generative environment open to anyone interested in learning through collaboration. Internships and volunteer opportunities can be geared toward the interest of the individual depending on current projects. Responsibilities range from work in research, archiving, production assistance and exhibit curation. To apply for a possible internship or volunteering opportunity please send a cover letter and resume to info@ferraristudios.com.

Employment Opportunities
Currently we are not in search of additional staff but feel free to send your CV and letter of interest so that we may have it on file as our foundation expands. Please send a cover letter and resume to info@ferraristudios.com.