The Virginio Ferrari Foundation is a not-for-profit organization. It is through your support that we are able to activate our spaces, providing a platform for public engagement with the art and philosophy of Virginio Ferrari through the curation of his digital and physical archives, resources and artwork collection. Your gift ensures our spaces and resources are cared for and accessible to our growing audiences through educational programming, collaborative projects and community based initiatives.

As we begin to locate and then build a space for the Virginio Ferrari Contemporary Arts Center on Chicago’s South Side we will depend on the generous donation of time and resources from friends, organizations and the general public who are interested in being a part of this cultural initiative. In the coming year we will be organizing opportunities for you to assist us in reaching our goal and becoming part of the process.

For more information on how to be involved in the Contemporary Arts Center project or for general support inquiries please write to: To sign up for our newsletter please click here.

1. Individual Support – Donation Form

Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Donation Total: $50.00

Aluminum Donation

  • VFF supporters listing on website and exclusive invitations to VFF special events

Steel Donation
$1000 and above

  • VFF supporters listing on website and exclusive invitations to VFF special events
  • Signed copy of the 600 page monograph art book “Virginio Ferrari: Full Circle; 1957-2017”

Bronze Donation
$1500 and above

  • VFF supporters listing on website and exclusive invitations to VFF special events
  • Signed copy of the 600 page monograph art book “Virginio Ferrari: Full Circle; 1957-2017”
  • Order of a V. Ferrari “sun” necklace medallion (1”x1”, silver)

Patron Donation
$3000 and above

  • VFF supporters listing on website and exclusive invitations to VFF special events
  • Signed copy of the 600 page monograph art book “Virginio Ferrari: Full Circle; 1957-2017”
  • Original Virginio Ferrari drawing (india ink and paper)
  • The order of a prototype model (3.5”x 4”, bronze) of “Being Born”, Chicago’s iconic public sculpture, which will be delivered to you by summer 2024

Current Individual Supporters:
Bruce and Martha Clinton; Steven and Linda Feinstein; Mary E. Fellows; Michele and Flavia Ferrari; Stellina Ferrari and Gino Coloni; James Grodzins; Kurt Gutfreund; John D. Kuhns; Hlepas family; Peter Ivanovich; Walter and Susan Jacobson; Luciano Lavagetti; Bob Levinson; Riccardo and Nika Levi-Setti; Paula Litt and Irv Faber; Anne and Ed Lyman; Danilo Manni; Giuseppe Manni; Sandro Miller; Enrico J. Mirabelli; Enrico Plati; Manfred and Ingrid Raiser; Barry and Jeri Sadegi, Mark and Anna Siegler; and Sharon M. Sikora.

II. Institutional Support, Partnerships & Corporate Giving

This type of assistance can be in the form of creating networks, connections and/or providing other resources that our foundation is need of to continue to thrive and contribute to the public. If you feel our organizations can benefit from a partnership we look forward to hearing from you. Please write to:

Current Institutional Support & Partnerships

  • UChicago Arts and the Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts, The University of Chicago
  • Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Chicago
  • DuSable Museum
  • Csoa ExSnia, Rome, Italy